Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Make Your Dream Job A Reality

Everyone thinks they know what their dream job would look like. Tons of recognition, pleasurable work, and big rewards are just the broad strokes. But what does it take to really find a job like this? Here are four points on how to turn your dream job into a reality.

1. What Is Your Dream?

The first step to landing a dream job is knowing what your dream job is. Now consider if that is a job that actually exists. Because your expectations may not line up with reality, your fixation on something that isn’t realistic could set you up for failure. If the dream job you want really is attainable though, having a clear idea of what the job entails and what you need to do to get it is the essential first step to getting that job.

2. Talk to People Who Do What You Want to Do

Make friends, talk to people, make sure they know your name and what you’re about, then ask if they know if anyone is hiring. Your connections are going to give you an entryway into the field you’re so fixated on. There are jobs that never get posted to the want ads or job search sites like Craigslist. They come up within companies or industry trade talk and are filled either by someone in-house or by people who someone in-house has recommended. The latter is what your connections are for. The more people you know within the target industry, the closer you’ll be to the job of your dreams.

3. Paying Your Dues

When you get that first foot in the door, expect it to hurt a little bit. At the entry level there is going to be a lot of competition and not a lot of reward for the work you are going to be asked to do. There are many cases, such as some internships, where you may not even get paid. This level of the dream job journey is crucial. Many people will not

4. The Necessity of a Nightmare Job

Landing your dream job isn’t something that is going to happen after just a few days of work. It’s going to take a lot of time and effort for you to build the contacts and networks you need to land that perfect position, and unfortunately that means holding onto the nightmare job you have right now. Maybe calling it a nightmare is a stretch—maybe not—all you know is that it’s not what you really want to be doing with your life. Sometimes you can start working or interning for that dream job even while you still clock into the nightmare for most of the week. Despite the stress, humiliation, and drudgery, the paycheck at the nightmare job may keep you solvent while you work your way up to dream job success.

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